804 Quits the RealPlayer. 805 Displays a list of topics in Help. 806 Displays version and copyright information. 807 Opens a RealVideo file via an Internet URL. 808 Opens a local file. 810 Displays or hides information section. 811 Displays or hides status bar. 812 Edit configuration options. 813 Displays or hides connection statistics. 814 Keeps Player above other windows. 815 Rewind to the previous clip in this multi-clip file. 816 Advance to the next clip in this multi-clip file. 817 Open &Recent 818 Open Recent Clip. 819 RealPlayer: %s 820 RealPlayer 821 RealMedia Files (*.rm, *.ra, *.ram)|*.rm;*.ra;*.ram|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 822 Open File 823 Unable to activate help. 825 Displays or hides preset and scan buttons. 826 P&resets && Scan 829 Enables or Disables PerfectPlay mode. 830 &PerfectPlay mode 834 RealPlayer Plus: %s 836 RealPlayer Plus 837 (tm) 846 Displays or hides image area. 848 Go to the RealPlayer Technical Support Page. 850 Go to the RealPlayer Common Questions Page. 852 Search the RealPlayer KnowledgeBase. 855 Cannot register this %s. No registration module found. 857 Invalid Name 858 Invalid E-Mail Address\n\n%s 860 The email address you have entered contains a colon or semicolon, which are not legal characters for an e-mail address. If your address is for a Compuserve account, leave off the "INTERNET:" prefix. 862 %s\n\nPlease return to the registration dialog and enter a valid E-Mail Address. 863 The email address you have entered does not contain an "@" symbol. Valid e-mail addresses should be of the form username@hostname.domain. 865 The email address you have entered is not of the form username@hostname.domain. The host and domain part of your email address (e.g., @realaudio.com) must contain at least two words, connected by a period. 867 The email address you have entered is not of the form username@hostname.domain. The "@" symbol is either improperly placed (it is not allowed at the beginning or end of the address), is missing entirely, or appears multiple times in the address. 869 E-Mail Address field cannot be blank. 870 Name field cannot be blank. \n\nPlease return to the registration dialog and enter a valid Name. 872 The email address you have entered is not of the form username@hostname.domain. The period is improperly placed -- either at the beginning or end of the address, or immediately before the "@" symbol. 873 Your email address contains a space. Spaces are not allowed inside e-mail addresses. 874 This e-mail address is not valid because it contains a comma. If you have a CompuServe account such as 99999,999@compuserve.com, replace the comma with a period: 99999.999@compuserve.com. 877 Show all player controls. 878 Show minimal player controls. 879 Show no player controls. 880 Check www.real.com for upgrade availability. 881 Displays or hides destination buttons. 885 Enter serial number to purchase RealPlayer Plus. 887 Online Tutorial. 888 Suggestion Box. 889 This %s is no longer the default player for RealAudio and\nRealVideo files. Would you like to make it the default player? 890 The Player was unable to communicate with your web browser. Your\nbrowser may not support the Player's protocol for sending you to web sites. 61440 Changes the window size 61456 Changes the window position 61472 Reduces the window to an icon 61488 Enlarges the window to full size 61536 Quits the RealPlayer 61728 Restores the window to normal size 61744 Activates Task List